Our New Book
Speak Thai Like The Genius
We have produced and launched a new book that can be purchased online or at our language school in Patong or Chalong.

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Thai speaking simplified
Foreigners struggle to learn the Thai language as the Thai grammar is complex, this book breaks it down into a simple easier to learn format.
“Thai that you can use straight away to have basic conversation”
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Series of 22 lessons
Start talking in restaurants, shops & bars
Get this book and learn the basics, start basic conversations and get an understanding how thai words are pronounced, learn numbers. The thai words are displayed in English Phonetic form which is fairly easy to pick up. There are a series of 22 lessons in Vol. 1. Its really modern Thai that you can use straight away to have basic conversation and learn about other people on the streets, in restaurants, bars and useful for asking directions and directing motorcycle taxi’s.
Whats Inside?
Book Contents
Basic Thai Grammar & 22 Lessons
Don’t be scared when you see the Thai alphabet. This put as the first page as a good reference point. The Thai alphabet is illustrated with 44 object to help remember the consonant sound. There are 32 Vowels these are related to English words in the book so as to understand how each one sounds.
The magical to speaking the Thai language and being understood easily are the use of tones. There are 5: mid, low, falling, high and rising.
Grammar Rules
There are tables that simplify the transition from English grammar rules to Thai rules.
He Likes the Pinapple
Kao chob sab-bpa-rod
English >> Red car
Thai >> Car red
Numbers are a great place to start especially 1-10. Here you are taught 1-20 and 10’s to 100. Then from 100 to 100,000. This is ideal to understand money and how to ask for how much things cost in Thailand.
Greetings & Small Talk
Straight into basic chat. A little bit of Thai goes a long way and will separate you from the the average tourist. You will be respected for trying to speak correct Thai.
How are you?
Kun sa-baai-dee mai
My name is Pim
Chan chue Pim
Do you have Line App?
Kun mee Lai App Mai?
With these sentences you will be able to spark up a basic conversation. Tell people what your name is how old you are and where you come from. You can also ask their age.
22 Lessons Continued
There are whole sections on
Useful situations
The book has regular Exercise sections to test what you have learned. Here is a list of the contents
Positive & Negative Sentence
With, And, Alone, Together, Will, If
Body Parts & Health Problems
Parts of The House & Daily routine
How to get There?
How do you go to…?
Can, cannot and Can?
May & Hobbies
Time Words & When (Review)
Days, Months, and Seasons
Telling Time & What Time?
Moods & Feelings
Must & Should